Osteopathic clinics in Llanelli and Bridgend, South Wales
  Llanelli: 01554 755772
  Bridgend: 01656 646446

Osteopathic clinic testimonial

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Jackie Simpson
Vale of Glamorgan

I first attended Ian's clinic over 15 years ago. He had been highly recommended to me. I tried many different practioners/approaches to try and loosen my very stick neck without success. By the time I saw Ian it was completely locked up. From my visit I experienced a very different approach. Ian was able to reassure me, and began working on resolving the problem. At the time it meant a 160 mile round trip for treatment. Over the weeks the stiffness in my neck improved and full mobility returned; he succeeded where many others had failed. Ian is very modest about the extent of his skills, knowledge and experience, so this only becomes clear through his practice. All of which is delivered with quiet professionalism and care.

I have presented with a wide range of problems both skeletal and muscular, most recently serious sinus issues. Ian brings the same skilled and insightful approach to whatever the problem may be. I continue to be astonished by his ability to heal. Always keen to learn more Ian is constantly expanding his already extensive knowledge as new insights emerge. To find such unassuming skill, knowledge and wisdom is a rare find indeed.

Jackie Simpson
Vale of Glamorgan

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