Osteopathic clinics in Llanelli and Bridgend, South Wales
  Llanelli: 01554 755772
  Bridgend: 01656 646446

Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy

Role of Osteopaths in early diagnosis

The results of a study recently published in the JMIR, has concluded that given that given that Osteopaths are a workforce professionally trained to examine musculoskeletal disease, they have an important role in accelerating timely diagnosis and treatment of Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy (DCM).

DCM presents significant diagnosis and timely treatment challenges. Exploring these challenges, it had been observed that those with suspected or undiagnosed DCM frequently consult Osteopaths for care for their symptoms.

To further explore the potential role of Osteopaths in enhancing the diagnostic pathway, a survey was conducted among registered UK osteopaths by the charity Myelopathy.org in partnership with the Institute of Osteopathy.

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Seniors need to safeguard against cervical spondylotic myelopathy
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